Refund Policy

Contact us to request a refund at
Please include the following information with your request:
  • The reason for the refund request
  • The applicant’s name
  • Applicant’s date of birth
  • The email used for the purchase
  • A refund can only be processed back to the same credit card used for the original payment

Refund requests are responded to within 1 business day. You will receive notification by email of your refund request once it has been reviewed and actioned. If you request a chargeback from your card company or bank, funds may not be credited to your account for up to 6 months.
If your ESTA application has been approved by U.S. Customs and Border Control (U.S. Government) and delivered by email to you a 21 USD (U.S. Government processing and authorization fee) is deducted from the refund. This is because your application has been processed, approved and emailed to you with an approval authorization number.
Any rejected applications are unconditionally refunded by us and processed within 1 business day minus 4USD U.S. Customs and Border Control (U.S. Government) admin fee.

Request your ESTA